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Divine Doorway: Discover Your Ancestral Connection

Your Weekly Passage to a Feminine Heart.

woman sitting with plants around her, wearing bra and panty set holding vase of flowers over her head.

Hey Beauties,

What do you do to connect with the women who came before you?

I had a little adventure today and headed down to the DMV for a new license (just one of the many steps in changing your name 😉💍). Instead of parking close, I chose to stroll through Chinatown. It reminded me of my grandmother, who used to gift me Japanese candies and high-quality mechanical pencils (iykyk) that are always found in the Asian bodegas. Those memories flood back whenever I'm in that area. So, I wanted to share some ways to honor the women that came before us.

My grandmother adored jewelry, especially the fun costume kind. Whenever I struggle to clasp my necklace, I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and picture her face. My necklace always connects with the first try. It's like she's right there with me, guiding my hand. It's a beautiful reminder that the women we love, whether we've met them or not, are always there, lending us their strength, softness, and support.✨

Who are You?

The women before you were gatekeepers of your family, essential to your existence. Their blood flows through your veins, and their ability to create has been passed down to you. You are the love that pressed on before you.

Tip of the Week: Connect to Your Ancestors

I believe there’s MANY ways to connect to the women before you. If baking your Nana’s recipe connects you to her, do that more often. You know best what that action or thought is. Below is a tip that gets you into meditation, but like I mentioned above, it can be as simple as asking for help with your necklace. 

Your Action Steps:

  1. Create Space: Take a quiet moment to create a sacred space in your home. Light a candle, place a photo or keepsake of your ancestors nearby, and close your eyes. If you don’t have something physical, just close your eyes and picture the woman you have in mind.

  2. Connect: Take deep breaths and visualize a line connecting you to your female ancestors. This line goes back many, many, many women before you. Feel their presence, their strength, and their love surrounding you. 

  3. Listen: Allow yourself to listen through your heart their wisdom and guidance. Take as much time as you need in this sacred connection. Feel free to draw or write anything down.

Next Step: Gratitude

Thank the women that came before you. For the mistakes they made, for the challenges they overcame, for the sacrifices they gave up to get you where you are now. Life is just a tiny spec in all the time of the Universe, so don’t be afraid. Live big, love big and keep committed to being the best You that You can be.

So, are you up for the challenge? Comment below and type "I'm in!" to let us know you're ready to make time to connect to more of who you are. Your commitment to this simple act will set the tone for a week filled with feminine energy and self-love, not to mention a loving practice of discipline.

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